61 research outputs found

    Monte Carlo Methods for Top-k Personalized PageRank Lists and Name Disambiguation

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    We study a problem of quick detection of top-k Personalized PageRank lists. This problem has a number of important applications such as finding local cuts in large graphs, estimation of similarity distance and name disambiguation. In particular, we apply our results to construct efficient algorithms for the person name disambiguation problem. We argue that when finding top-k Personalized PageRank lists two observations are important. Firstly, it is crucial that we detect fast the top-k most important neighbours of a node, while the exact order in the top-k list as well as the exact values of PageRank are by far not so crucial. Secondly, a little number of wrong elements in top-k lists do not really degrade the quality of top-k lists, but it can lead to significant computational saving. Based on these two key observations we propose Monte Carlo methods for fast detection of top-k Personalized PageRank lists. We provide performance evaluation of the proposed methods and supply stopping criteria. Then, we apply the methods to the person name disambiguation problem. The developed algorithm for the person name disambiguation problem has achieved the second place in the WePS 2010 competition


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    Mitarbeiter im pädagogischen Dienst in Musikschulen in Kroatien

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    Predmet je istraživanja broj zaposlenih stručnih suradnika na neodređeno radno vrijeme u glazbenim osnovnim i srednjim školama u Republici Hrvatskoj. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 38 ravnatelja glazbenih škola, od sveukupnog broja od 52 samostalne glazbene osnovne i srednje škole. Ispitivan je postojeći broj zaposlenih stručnih suradnika u glazbenim školama, profil stručnog suradnika koji je zaposlen u glazbenoj školi te subjektivna procjena ravnatelja postoji li potreba zapošljavanja stručnih suradnika u glazbenim školama. Rezultati upućuju na zaključak kako je u glazbenim školama zaposlen zanemariv postotak stručnih suradnika, a procjena ravnatelja upućuje na činjenicu kako postoji velika potreba za različitim profilima stručnih suradnika u glazbenim školama bez obzira radi li se o osnovnoj ili srednjoj glazbenoj školi. Izrazito je važno napomenuti kako se ravnatelji, stručni suradnici, odnosno odgojno-obrazovni djelatnici te učenici i roditelji ne smiju zadovoljiti postojećim stanjem bez obzira na trenutnu situaciju. Cilj je provedenog istraživanja potaknuti više obrazovne instance na akciju zapošljavanja stručnih suradnika u glazbenim školama u svrhu unapređenja odgojno-obrazovnog procesa, pružanja pomoći i podrške učenicima u glazbenim osnovnim i srednjim školama, uvažavanja odredbi Državnog pedagoškog standarda te potpunog iskorjenjivanja diskriminacije koja se vrši naspram glazbenih škola u području zapošljavanja stručnih suradnika na neodređeno radno vrijeme.The subject of this research is the number of employed school counselors in music primary and secondary schools in the Republic of Croatia. 38 headmasters have participated in this research, while the total number of headmasters of music schools is 52. This survey showed the number of employed school counselors in music schools, the profil of the employed school counselors and the headmasters subjective evaluation wheather the need for this kind of experts is needed and wanted in music schools. Results indicate that the number of employed school counselors is exceptionally low, but the headmasters’ assessments indicated that there is a great need for this profile of experts. It is important to emphasize that the headmasters, school counselors, teachers, parents and pupils cannot accept the current number of employed school counselors in music schools. The main objective of this research is to encourage the higher educational jurisdiction to employ school counselors in music schools for the purpose of improvement of the educational process and complete eradication of the discrimitantion which is done against music schools.Der Gegenstand der Forschung ist die Zahl der an den Schulen unbefristet angestellten Mitarbeiter im pädagogischen Dienst in den Musik-Grund- und Mittelschulen in der Republik Kroatien. An der Forschung nahmen 38 Schulleiter der Musikschulen teil, von insgesamt 54 selbstständigen Musik-Grund- und Mittelschulen. Befragt wurde die aktuelle Anzahl und Profil der angestellten Mitarbeiter im pädagogischen Dienst in den Musikschulen und die subjektive Einschätzung der Schulleiter, ob an den Musikschulen Bedarf nach Mitarbeitern im pädagogischen Dienst bestehe. Die Ergebnisse weisen daraufhin, dass an den Musikschulen eine unbedeutende Anzahl der Mitarbeiter im pädagogischen Dienst angestellt ist, jedoch auch, dass nach Einschätzung der Schulleiter großer Bedarf an pädagogischen Mitarbeitern unterschiedlicher Profile besteht, in Grundschulen und Mittelschulen gleichermaßen. Es ist sehr wichtig zu betonen, dass sich die Schulleiter, die Mitarbeiter im pädagogischen Dienst, die Schüler und die Lehrer mit dem bestehenden Zustand nicht zufriedengeben sollten, trotz der momentanen Situation. Das Ziel dieser Forschung ist es, die hohen Bildungsinstanzen zum Anstellen der Mitarbeiter im pädagogischen Dienst anzuspornen, mit dem Ziel der Förderung des Erziehungs- und Bildungsprozesses, der Hilfeleistung und der Unterstützung der Schüler in den Musik-Grund- und Mittelschulen, Einhalten des staatlichen pädagogischen Standards und gründlicher Bekämpfung der Diskriminierung, die beim unbefristeten Anstellen der Mitarbeiter im pädagogischen Dienst ausgeübt wird


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    Važnost primjene niskomolekularnog heparina kod trudnica s nasljednom trombofilijom za dobar perinatalni ishod

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    The aim of the study was to establish the importance of low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) treatment for good pregnancy outcome in patients with hereditary thrombophilia. This retrospective study included 70 patients with inherited thrombophilia who gave birth at Zagreb University Hospital Center in the period from January 2014 to January 2015. Fifty-seven women were treated and 13 women were not treated with LMWH. Perinatal outcome was significantly better in women with hereditary thrombophilia who were treated with heparin during pregnancy as compared with women without LMWH (p=0.006). Regardless of heparin therapy, patients with hereditary thrombophilia alone had a significantly better perinatal outcome as compared with women who, along with hereditary thrombophilia, had a history of habitual abortions (p=0.035) or intrauterine fetal death (p=0.033). Women treated with heparin had better perinatal outcome if they were without a history of recurrent or non-recurrent fetal loss (p=0.088). In the group without LMWH, perinatal outcome was significantly better in women with no history of habitual abortions as compared with women with recurrent miscarriages (p=0.047). Administration of LMWH is justified in women with hereditary thrombophilia and a history of adverse perinatal outcome.Cilj ove studije bio je ustanoviti komplikacije trudnoće i važnost primjene niskomolekularnog heparina za poboljšanje perinatalnog ishoda kod trudnica s nasljednom trombofilijom. Retrospektivno su analizirani podatci 70 trudnica s dokazanom hereditarnom trombofilijom i urednom ili opterećenom opstetričkom anamnezom koje su porođene u Klinici za ženske bolesti i porođaje u razdoblju od siječnja 2014. do siječnja 2015. Njih 57 liječeno je niskomolekularnim heparinom, dok kod ostalih 13 žena nije provedena antikoagulantna terapija. Ispitanice s nasljednom trombofilijom koje su tijekom trudnoće uzimale heparinsku terapiju imale su statistički značajno bolji perinatalni ishod u odnosu na ispitanice s nasljednom trombofilijom bez antikoagulantne terapije (p=0,006). Ispitanice s hereditarnom trombofilijom i urednom opstetričkom anamnezom imale su statistički značajno bolji perinatalni ishod u odnosu na ispitanice s trombofilijom i prethodnim habitualnim pobačajima (p=0,035) ili intrauterinom smrti čeda (p=0,033). Ispitanice s hereditarnom trombofilijom i urednim prethodnim trudnoćama koje su liječene heparinom imale su nešto bolji perinatalni ishod u odnosu na skupinu s trombofilijom i prethodnim mors fetus in utero kod kojih je također primjenjivana antikoagulantna terapija (p=0,088). U skupini ispitanica s hereditarnom trombofilijom a bez heparinske terapije, ispitanice bez habitualnih pobačaja u anamnezi imale su statistički značajno bolji perinatalni ishod u odnosu na trudnice s habitualnim pobačajima (p=0,047). Primjena niskomolekularnog heparina za bolji perinatalni ishod opravdana je kod trudnica s nasljednom trombofilijom i opterećenom opstetričkom anamnezom

    Generalized Optimization Framework for Graph-based Semi-supervised Learning

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    We develop a generalized optimization framework for graph-based semi-supervised learning. The framework gives as particular cases the Standard Laplacian, Normalized Laplacian and PageRank based methods. We have also provided new probabilistic interpretation based on random walks and characterized the limiting behaviour of the methods. The random walk based interpretation allows us to explain di erences between the performances of methods with di erent smoothing kernels. It appears that the PageRank based method is robust with respect to the choice of the regularization parameter and the labelled data. We illustrate our theoretical results with two realistic datasets, characterizing di erent challenges: Les Miserables characters social network and Wikipedia hyper-link graph. The graph-based semi-supervised learning classi- es the Wikipedia articles with very good precision and perfect recall employing only the information about the hyper-text links


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    Supraventricular tachycardia is the most common and clinically significant form of sustained fetal tachyarrhythmia in pregnancy; depending on duration and high rate variability heart failure and nonimmune hydrops may develop which are associated with a high incidence of perinatal mortality. Doppler/echo diagnosis is usually accidental during second and third trimester of pregnancy. Therapeutic goals are cardioconversion to sinus rhythm and recovery of heart failure. We present a case of fetal supraventricualr tachycardia diagnosed at 29 weeks of gestation with nonimmune hydrops. Treatment with digoxin and amiodarone was successful. The heart rate restored to sinus rhythm and nonimmune hydrops resolved within three weeks of treatment. Therapy with two drugs that act synergistically may be more efficient than monotherapy in blocking likely atrio-ventricular reentry mechanism by accessory pathway in sustained supraventricular tachycardia, thus allowing resolution of hydrops with favorable management outcome.Supraventrikularna tahikardija je najčešći i klinički najznačajniji oblik fetalne tahiaritmije u trudnoći, a ovisno o trajanju i visini srčane aktivnosti mogu se razviti zatajenje srca i neimuni fetalni hidrops, oboje povezani s lošim perinatalnim ishodom. Tijekom drugog i trećeg tromjesečja dijagnoza se često slučajno postavlja ultrazvučnim doplerskim nalazom. Terapijski cilj je konverzija u sinus ritam i oporavak srčane funkcije. Donosimo prikaz slučaja fetalne supraventrikularne tahikardije s neimunim hidropsom, dijagnosticirane u 29. tjednu trudnoće. Terapija digoksinom i amiodaronom bila je uspješna. Ponovo je uspostavljen sinusni ritam srčane frekvencije, a neimuni hidrops se povukao unutar tri tjedna liječenja. Terapija dvama lijekovima sa sinergističkim djelovanjem može biti učinkovitija od monoterapije u blokiranju vjerojatno ponovnog ulaska atrio-ventrikularnog impulsa pomoću sporednog puta u supraventrikularnoj tahikardiji, time dopuštajući povlačenje hidropsa te bolji ishod

    Silent spontaneous uterine rupture after previous cesarean section and myomectomy with delivery of a healthy newborn

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    Introduction. Silent spontaneous rupture of the uterus before labor with delivery of a healthy newborn and with no maternal or neonatal morbidity or mortality is very rare. Very few cases have been reported in literature. Case report. We report a case of silent spontaneous uterine rupture. Rupture was found during an elective repeat cesarean section. Patient had history of one prior cesarean myomectomy. At 38 weeks of gestation, before labour has started and before any symptoms, the patient underwent elective caesarean section with delivery of a healthy and eutrophic female infant. Uterine rupture in previous myomectomy scar and intact amniotic sac with fetus inside was found as soon as peritoneum was opened. The patient was discharged on postoperative day 5 with healthy newborn. Conclusion. Though silent spontaneous rupture of the uterus before term is very rare condition, all pregnant women with previous hysterotomy should be warned about possibility of spontaneous uterine rupture even before labour has started

    Ultrazvučna dijagnostika i malformacije blizanačkih trudnoća

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    Broj blizanačkih trudnoća u konstantnom je porastu. Jedan od razloga tome je i odgođeno majčinstvo na kojeg se brojne žene zbog ritma i stila života odlučuju sve češće. Starija životna dob žene rezultira češćim zanošenjem uz pomoć medicinski potpomognute oplodnje i posljedično većim brojem višeplodnih trudnoća. Blizanačke trudnoće nose sa sobom veći rizik od perinatalnog i neonatalnog morbiditeta i mortaliteta. To se posebno odnosi na monokorionske trudnoće. Ultrazvuk kao dijagnostičko sredstvo, predstavlja najvažniju metodu za redovito praćenje takvih trudnoća. Njegova važnost očituje se u ranoj detekciji kongenitalnih malformacija, intrauterine smrti jednog od blizanaca, diskordantnog rasta gemina i otkrivanju žena rizičnih za prijevremeni porođaj ali i detekciji i praćenju težih patologija posebno specifi čnih za monokorionske trudnoće poput međublizanačkog transfuzijskog sindroma (TTTS-a), blizanačke sekvencije anemijje i policitemije (TAPS) i blizanačkog sindroma retrogradne arterijske perfuzije (TRAP). Svaka blizanačka trudnoća komplicirana patologijom trebala bi biti redovito kontrolirana u tercijarnom centru za ginekologiju i opstetriciju